Scoresheet Instructions
Before Game
- "Visiting Team"...
- Find the opposing teams manager and have them fill out their teams roster.
- "Home Team"...
- Put your WC roster sticker on the scoresheet in this section
- Cross out any players who are not at the game
- Mark injured players as "INJ" after their crossed out name
- Mark absent players as "ABS" after their crossed out name
- Fill out "Date, Time, and Rink" on the scoresheet. (top right corner)
- Circle the correct division and level of play (top left corner)
- Hand off score sheet to parent/volunteer in charge for that game.

During Game
- "Home Scoring" & "Visitor Scoring"... Record goals scored by each team
- "Period" - Record which period the goal was scored.
- "Time" - After a goal the clock will stop, write down the time displayed on the scoreboard when this happens.
- "Goal" - Jersey # of player that scored the goal.
- "Assist" - Jersey # of players issued an assist.
- "Home Penalties" & "Visitor Penalties"... Record all penalties taken by both teams
- "Period" - Record which period the penalty took place.
- "Number" - Jersey # of player who took penalty
- "Penalty" - Write down the call that the ref made, (Ex... Boarding, High Stick, Slashing, Etc.)
- "Time in" - Time on the clock when the player entered the penalty box.
- "Time out" - Time on the clock when the player leaves penalty box.
- "Home Goalkeeper Saves" & "Visitor Goalkeeper Saves"... Record saves made per period of each goalie playing for both teams
- "No." - Jersey # of Goalie in net.
- "Start Time" - Time on clock when goalie enters the game.
- "Per" - Period that goalie entered the game in.
- "1" - Saves made in 1st period.
- "2" - Saves made in 2nd period.
- "3" - Saves made in 3rd period.
- "OT" - Saves made in Over Time.
- "Total" - Total saves made by each goalie over the entire game.
- "Scoring by Periods" ... # of goals scored each period by both teams

Tips and Tricks
Home/Visiting Team Scoring:
- When a goal is scored, the clock will stop. Immediately write down the time on the clock so you can focus on any information the ref give you.
- The referee will give you anywhere form 1-3 numbers... The first number is always the goal, and the following number are always the assists. Record these numbers in the correct boxes.
- Check to make sure the jersey # given by the ref is on the scoresheet roster.
- Record all information as neatly as possible.
Home/Visiting Team Penalties:
- When a penalty is called, the clock will stop. Immediately write down the time on the clock so you can focus on any information the ref give you.
- Listen closely to the referee, they will tell you the jersey #, duration of penalty, infraction type (tripping, elbowing, crosscheck, record all this information on the scoresheet.
- Verify the player who took the penalty is rostered on the scoresheet.
- Neatly write down all the information.
Finalized Scoresheet

- 2 and 10 penalty
- Both penalties are recorded under the same player.
- The jersey # serving the 10 minute penalty is also the jersey # serving the 2 minute penalty.
Minor Penalties
(2 Minutes)
Major Penalties
(5 Minutes)
(10 Minutes)
Checking From Behind
Head Contact
Match Penalties
(5 Minutes + Game suspension)
After Game
- Give one copy of the scoresheet to the refs
- Give on copy to the other teams Manager or Head Coach
- Enter the scoresheet into the NIHL website ASAP, this must happen within 24 hours at the latest